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Office Relocation

When you have been working on the same table for years, sitting in the same chair with the same colours around you, the same pictures, etc., if your company decides to move to a different building it may seem like a disorder but it can be a good opportunity to get out of the monotony, make a inspiring change in the decoration or in the objects that you see day after day in the office.

It is important that the move is planned with time enough for you to organize your functions taking into account the length of time the move will last (It will depend on the size of the company). The moving company must report on:

  • Length of the move from start to finish
  • Fixed price
  • Date and time of delivery of the material in the new location

Caballero International Moving is a company specialized in removals, with more than 25 years of experience. Our team is made up of professionals trained in removals and special packaging. Our trucks are owned and they have all the necessary elements to move any object without limit of weight or size: ramps, lift trucks, escalator…

At Caballero International Moving, we have quality packaging so the electronic material, furniture and small objects are not damaged: everything will be moved carefully and protected properly. In addition, before starting the move, each object will be inventoried.

If you need a reliable company to transport furniture, technological material, decorative elements, etc …, contact us and our professionals will advise you and guide you so the move will be carried out successfully.





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